Q lihat bayangmu menari d senja itu..

Seolah mengolok atas tindakan bodoh q..

Aq berpaling..
Namun bayangan itu trus mengejar..

Lepaskan aq!
Biarkan aq sndri dgn dunia q..
Karena nyata nya kau pergi..
Stlah kau ambil hati q dan kau mencampakkan na!

Jgan bilang kau rindu pada q..
Bila kau suruh aq menunggu..

Sedang jelas d pelupuk mata q..
Kau menari dengan bahasa tubuh yg mengolok q..
Mencibir atas luka yg kau buat sndri..

Meski aq sakit hati..
Ntah mengapa aq masih rindu dgan tarian d senja itu..

Dan itu kebodhan q.
Menunggu tarian mu d senja itu

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lengkung indah d bibirmu..

Bagaikan bentang cakrawala senja d kala itu..

Melihat bening matamu..
Laksana rinai hujan yang turun d desember it..

Tp rinainya menjadi air mata ku
Dan lengkung bibirmu brubah menjadi pedang penusuk sembilu..

Ketika samar kulihat bayangmu berlalu..

Aku menari bersama hujan..
Ketika preluade-preluade bayang mu terasa semakin samar..

Menampilkan siluet-siluet malam yg mencekam..

Dan ku dengar nyanyian setan merasuki pikran ku..
Menebar hawa jahat dlm hdup q..

Dan aq menari bersama hujan..
Ktka q rasakan letih dalam hdup q
Menikmati setiap tetes yg menerpa tubuh q..

Q menari bersama hujan..
Dan q lupa dgn lengkung d bibirmu..
Lupa akn bening matamu..
Lupa siluet bayang mu..

Dan q kan trus menari bersama hujan..

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Gw bru aja putus nie..
Yah sdih sie..
Tp stlah trlbat perckapan dgn slh 1 tmen gw,gw uda bsa ktawa lg..
Kata2 dy ckup memotivasi gw..

Jalan yg uda d kasi sama ALLOH itu insyaalloh adalh yg trbaik..
Dan mgkn ini yg trbaik..
Mgkn jg dy bkan lelaki terbaik bwd gw..

Seperti yg uda gw tlis d posting sebelum na..
Hidup thu selalu brubah..
Dan mgkn alloh uda mempersiapkan seseorang yg lain untk ngerubah hdup gw jd lebih indah..
Toh gw jg gak jelek2 amat..
Mazi bnyak yg mau sama gw jg..

Byarkan dy mengejar seseorang yg mgkn bnr2 dy cintai..
Dan gw jg menanti org yg bnr2 cinta sama gw..
Toh kebahagian thu dtg bkn cma dr pcr..
Keluarga n tman thu yg lebh utama..

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Step closer,beneath the earth.

U will face wid me the unfold tale.
On the beginning words,the unrevealed dark.
Bring your heart...
So i can touch it.
Mark with your pale..
So i can make u health.
There was't can be done with every little thinking in the earth.
So close...
They appeared to be lost..
And new,with clouds in ur hand..
Shall we back?
To the life we have now..
To the love we hope..
Step closer..
To the underestimated power.
And ur eyes bring me softly peace
so take me out..
And release my pain..

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I try descibe,this silence,no voice over my head

Silence, no authority instead
My point of viet became a hiss

And if i try to utter the word..
Fight, is what i've been doing..
Fight no more battle and fighting..
The blue have reached my lonely word.

That we should keep our promises
I know that proverb far too well
And i saw the tiring battle so well
Maybe, my hope already faithless

All the blood and sweat i tear
And those of them in my skin
My sword tell shield running them
The ground is hear,but i feel no more fear

If there is death between lives
If there is lie between deeds
I want them to know i fought hard

If there is doubt between steps
If there hs tear between sins
I want them to know
I believe if there is love in word
Then i have seen it

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Bila seseorang bertanya apakah ada yg abadi d dunia ini??

Maka jawab na adalah "perubahan"
Bukan kah qt sadar bahwa tiap detik dalm hdup qt slalui d warna perubahan??
Karena stiap detik yg qt miliki adalah detik2 yg brbeda.

Begitu jg hidup gw..
Setiap detik yg gw miliki adalah detik2 yg berbeda..
Perjalanan waktu yg gw lalui..
Sedikit bnyak tlah mengajarkan gw tentang arti perubhan..

Gw yg skrg tentu saja brbda dgn gw yg dlu..

Dan yg paling segar dalm ingatan gw adlah :
"gw pernah d benci tmen gw krna ksalahan tolol gw,karena ke 'freak'-an gw"
Sumpah mampus..
Gw nyesel bgd.Gw uda ngecewain orang2 yg sayang ma gw,dan yg paling menyedihkan gw udah ngelukain hati orang tua gw..

Gw bener2 nyesel
Dan gw sadar skdr penyesalan gak gak brarti apapun..
Jd gw harus brubh..

Sulit mgkn tp gw yakin bisa!!

Dan skrg gw uda nemuin seseorang yg ngerubah jalan gw,menghapus citra "freak" gw..
Luph u co much maz arie..
Mua kriteria co idaman ada d drmu(pinter,alim,cute n gak ngrokok)

wad tmen gw yg dulu pena ngebenci gw..
Thank atas kprcyaan yg uda lo kash lg bwd gw..

Gw janji bkal jga kepercayaan lo..
Dan gw uda buktiin gw brhasil jd org yg gak freak lg..

Dan karena hdup slalu berubah,biarlah qt melebur dalam perubahan itu..
Dan bersiap untk menjadi yg lebih baik..

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I remember the first time I saw you
I do remember the days you were a hero in my eyes
I will remember a man like you and what you meant to me

We've had the best years of our lives
still you and I would never be the same

How could you do such things
When I fell you no more next to me

Always thought that I'm not one alone
Always thought that I'm half of two with you

Look at the reflections in the mirror
there's never you and I
there's just us

I will not ever and never forget
The days when it was just you and me
when it was just our love and laughter

So take my hand, this must be fate
I would know from the first time I saw your face

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